Every university provides a kind of scholarship. There could be a Rockefeller scholarship or some other scholarships like Rhodes. There are state-sponsored scholarships for bright students as well. But since these scholarships are very less for the applications, so there is a lot of competition across the globe. We at the Wider Globe have made a list of all the scholarships available for students wanting to study abroad. We have successfully turned our scholarship applications into scholarships in more than 60 per cent of cases. If we could not, we also provide loans and financial guidance.
We at Wider Globe believe that the dreams of the student should not be stunted because of the lack of finance. So, either from scholarship or through a loan, our team of experts can provide the right kind of guidance. But, we have made it very clear in our department that it is the scholarship that is preferred over loan requirements.
The scholarships are better in the long run because it does not burden the student after he completes his study. That is the reason why our team of experts have done thorough research in the scholarship market to convert the scholarship application into a successful scholarship. The problem with scholarships is that they are scattered and are not found in one centralised portal. Some documents have to be attached. There have to be essays that are to be written to convince the scholarship foundations to provide the scholarship or the scholarly grant. For every requirement, we have a team of content creators who can create personalised content based on your requirements. They give you personalised writing material that can be directly uploaded to the website for scholarship approval. Apart from this, there are times in which certain scholarships grant is provided. Since all scholarship grants are not run throughout the year, there is a need for our team to keep pace with current developments. If a person is doing it single-handedly, then it could be a cumbersome and tedious task.
This is where our dedicated department for scholarship grants comes into play. We have dedicated a whole team to digging out different kinds of scholarships. The grant of scholarship not only helps the student financially but reflects greatly in the resume of the student if he wants to work further after studying in the country.
There are different types of scholarships available in countries abroad. There are student-specific scholarships in which student background is analysed. Now, there are destination-specific scholarships that are offered by the state government mostly. Now, there is subject-specific in which certain universities grant scholarships who are thinking of studying a specific field of study. There are need-based scholarships that are very much in vogue. It is for those people who are not financially sound but have the desire to work harder and study abroad. There are a few athletic scholarships as well that are given to the cream of sportsmen.
Our students through the Wider Globe Pvt Ltd can get access to all the scholarships in countries abroad especially the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand at no extra cost. These scholarships are offered by many universities, state governments and many respected foundations that are working for goodwill.
We help our students to showcase their brilliant minds so that they can get a plethora of scholarships. We are delighted to tell you that many scholarships are given to Indian students after acknowledging their hard-working nature and their dedication and sheer will to pursue higher studies. Since these scholarships value brilliant minds and are going the extra mile to attract the best of the minds, all we at Wider Globe Pvt Ltd do is to showcase the brilliancy of our students as per the requirement of the country concerned.