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Rejected Visa Cases

We at Wider Globe believe in exploring new ideas and places. For this, we are at your service to provide you with a seamless journey on your way abroad. With our assistance, the process of immigration and studying abroad is tassel free now.

We do understand, that the process to begin something new might not be an easy task to pursue. We at Wider Globe believe that problems like the rejection of visas should not stop people’s dreams to pursue their goals. For this, we have a team of experts with more than a decade of experience to guide your journey to way abroad.

Understand why the visa application was rejected

Our Experts dedicate their extra time and efforts to resolving any issues that might arise in the Visa application. Our dedicated team of experts help the visa candidate to find the root cause of the problem. Mostly, the reasons for visa rejection are given in pointers but do not directly indicate the exact reasons. Our experienced experts are trained to read between the lines. They are blunt to point out the reasons out loud to the candidates so they can rectify and come back again with a successful visa application.

Few common reasons for visa rejection

It can be disheartening for a visa to be rejected. At Wider Globe, our experts with a decade of experience, are well versed in common reasons for visas to be rejected. Our experts prepare the candidate accordingly.

Reason for Visa to be rejected

Common reasons for visa rejection that we at Wider Globe have resolved are lack of sufficient funds or proof to study abroad, Inability of confirming a necessary return to India after completion of education, incorrect documents, and Inability to give convincing answers at the interview.

Our Way

At Wider Globe, we prepare the candidates in advance for the interviews and cover up all the documental formalities for the future.